
Thank you for submitting your 2020 volunteer application! We will get back to you soon.

Volunteer Agreement

These policies are written to provide overall guidance and direction to organizers and volunteers of Empire City Con. These policies do not constitute, either implicitly or explicitly, a binding contractual or personnel agreement. Star Eyed Events, LLC reserves the exclusive right to change any of these policies at any time and to expect adherence to the changed policy. Changes to or exceptions from these policies may only be granted by an Empire City Con organizer, and must be obtained in advance and in writing. Areas not specifically covered by these policies shall be determined by the organizers.

A “volunteer” is anyone who, without compensation or expectation of compensation, performs a task at the direction of and on behalf of the convention. A “volunteer” must be officially accepted and enrolled prior to performance of the task. Volunteers shall not be considered “employees” of the convention.

Empire City Con accepts the service of all volunteers with the understanding that such service is at the sole discretion of the organizers. Volunteers agree that the organizers may at any time, for whatever reason, decide to terminate the volunteer’s relationship with the convention.

The volunteer may at any time, for whatever reason, decide to sever the volunteer’s relationship with the convention. Notice of such a decision should be communicated as soon as possible to the organizers.

Volunteers are asked to not contact organizations or individuals on behalf of the convention unless they are given express directions to do so by an organizer. Prior to any action or statement which might significantly affect or obligate the convention, volunteers should seek prior consultation and approval from the organizers. These actions may include, but are not limited to, public statements to the press, coalition or lobbying efforts with other organizations, or any agreements involving contractual or other financial obligations.

Volunteers are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all proprietary or privileged information to which they are exposed while serving as a volunteer, whether this information involves a single staff, volunteer, client, or other person or involves overall convention business. Failure to maintain confidentiality may result in termination of the volunteer’s relationship with the convention or other corrective action.

Additionally, volunteers grant non-exclusive permission to Empire City Con for use of any materials produced for the virtual volunteering projects, including graphics materials, web page designs, narratives, research, compilations, instructional texts, etc., becomes the property of Empire City Con upon submission. If the convention is provided with the proper information, volunteers will receive credit for these and other contributions.

If at any point you receive any written or verbal communication that you feel is inappropriate, for any reason, and you believe you have received it in conjunction with your involvement with Empire City Con, please forward the information and any details about the communication to the organizers.

Volunteers who do not adhere to the rules and procedures of the convention, or who fail to satisfactorily perform their volunteer assignment, are subject to dismissal. Possible grounds for dismissal may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Gross misconduct or insubordination

  • Theft of monies or property or misuse of convention materials

  • Abuse or mistreatment of any kind of convention attendees, prospective attendees, fellow volunteers, organizers, or venue staff

  • Failure to abide by agency policies and procedures

  • Failure to satisfactorily perform assigned duties

Please note that the Empire City Con organizers reserve the right to change agreement at any time; however, any changes will be announced in a timely manner. If changes are made, volunteers may be required to sign an addendum or an entirely new agreement.